Map Tack Placement Guidelines
Due to privacy and related business practices laws, the placement of map tacks must adhere to the following guidelines.
1) Map tacks are never placed directly on an alleged perpetrators home or privately owned business, however they are typically places within a one Kilometer radius of an alleged suspects known location of where alleged civil violations and/or felonious activities occurred,
2) Map tacks are placed on public map space such as roads or public parks, Federal, State or Municipal locations etc.,
3) Map tacks are placed near the location of alleged perpetrators known location along with a level 1 profile listing an alleged civil torts and/or felonies. The tack placement and level 1 profile data often provides clear indication to the alleged white collar criminals that they are being profiled because they are often well aware of the clandestine and illicit actions they have committed against vulnerable persons and/ public citizen tax payers. The tack placement and level 1 profiled events also can depict the public safety risk and potential damages caused.
4) If there is more than one incident of an alleged perpetrator or group of affiliate perpetrators working in collusion to exploit any person, then the placement of several Collusion Map Tacks are tactically situated to form a perimeter around the “heat zone” location of where alleged civil breaches or crimes repeatedly occur. This is typically within a 1 kilometer near the location of where the alleged persons of interest engage in collusion or clandestine in concert vulnerable person exploitation, abuse, negligent, malpractice or related Federal Acts, State Statute, Municipal Codes, CFR, FCC, FINRA, SEC, SBA, FINCEN, ABA Model Rule, Occupational License Ethics and various industry regulatory violations.
5) Map tacks are placed on public map space such as roads or public parks, Federal, State or Municipal locations etc.,
6) Map tacks are placed near the location of alleged perpetrators known location along with a level 1 profile listing an alleged civil torts and/or felonies. The tack placement and level 1 profile data often provides clear indication to the alleged white collar criminals that they are being profiled because they are often well aware of the clandestine and illicit actions they have committed against vulnerable persons and/ public citizen tax payers. The tack placement and level 1 profiled events also can depict the public safety risk and potential damages caused.
7) The more map tacks placed near a perpetrators location the closer the tacks are mathematically placed to the perpetrators known Geo location where alleged civil, torts or felonies may have occur which is typically the place the suspects conduct their business, this can also include public regions or government owned facilities. Mathematical location map tack placement is relevant to search engine page ranking algorithms relative to search rankings of publicly available data accumulated through:
i) Crowdsourcing,
ii) Researcher trained AI data curating spiders,
iii) News articles, Iv) blog articles,
iv) Social media sourcing,
v) other public watchdog public safety organizations such as Yelp, Rip-off Report or Avvo’s use ratings and comments (Not the paid for Avvo ratings that Attorney’s or other white collar professionals often buy to submit their own comments and rankings, those are biased data sources and often fraudulently misleading as a trusted public review or viable data source)
vi) Advocate, expert witness or victims statements,
vii) other empirical data sources.
5) Alleged civil torts and felony violations of Federal acts, Statutes, Federal regulations; SSA, CMS, county and city municipal ordinances and codes that occur relative to government funded organizations, places of business and facilities are often placed at the location the alleged violations occurred because they are publicly funded entities thereby the public has a right to know of public related safety matters,
6) The placement of Map Tacks mess the alleged perpetrators known locations and public funded facilities serves as:
A) a warning to alleged perpetrators that their actions are being reported and repeating patters are being profiled as a means to warn the public and potentially government agencies as well (relative to password access level),
B) a watchdog public safety warning system that enables the public to inform their fellow citizen’s of their own personal circumstances oos someone they know negative and damaging experiences in business or related dealings specific white collar professionals. and sharing their circumstances and evidence by adding that information to a 3 level profile and event tracking database, nationwide GEO tracking maps and numerous overlays for educational and research purposes,
C) map tack placement allow allows for research, regional trends, perpetrator repeating pattern-analyses via data tagging and filtering, crowd sourcing, researcher trained AI (Artificial Intelligence) curating, cross-behavioral pattern recognition of similar white collar crimes occurring in over time in urban and rural regions, with specific tagged events allocated to draw attention to repeating violations being committed by the same perpetrators and those working in collusion with what may be an organized white collar civil breech or criminal network.
Password Protected Level 2 & 3 Access
Password protected level 2 access specifically identifies the alleged perpetrators and provides actual objective proof/empirical direct evidence of the civil breeches or crimes suspects have allegedly committed. White-collar crimes are documented via paper trails over periods of time (unlike blue collar crime which often occurs in the heat of passion often without calculation and forethought), court documents, news articles, witness accounts, and more frequently recordings (in one party consent States), video and/or photographs.
Password access to public servants, government agencies and news publishers whose duty it is to provide, legislate policy or inform citizens of public safety matters:
1 – Law Enforcement: First and send level priority password authorization access always provided. Their response is keyword tagged and curated in the ongoing research feedback loop,
2 – Public Representatives: In most cases public servants such as congress members will be supplied second level password clearance if requested as second priority access. Their response is keyword tagged and curated in the ongoing research feedback loop,
3 – Government Agencies: In most cases public servants such as congress members will be supplied second level password clearance if requested as third priority access. Their response is keyword tagged and curated in the ongoing research feedback loop,
4 – News Publishers: In most cases public servants such as congress members concerned about these matters will be supplied second level password clearance if requested as fourth priority access. If no response on public safety concerns is provided via priority respondents 1 through 3 the verified traditional and internet publishers whom have already first level priority access and may be grated 2 level password access if they determine a newsworthy public safety alert or article is warranted. Their response and/or news article keyword content is then cataloged in the ongoing research feedback loop,
5 – Victim advocacy organization, on a need to know public safety bases. Their response is keyword tagged and curated in the ongoing research feedback loop,
6 – Internet Publishers, on a need to know public safety bases. Their response is keyword tagged and curated in the ongoing research feedback loop,
7 – Social Media: Passwords will not be supplied through social media however once information becomes public or court adjudicated social media promotion will occur on all major social media venues. Crowd-sourced response are always keyword tagged and curated in the ongoing research feedback loop.
The data and empirical evidence contained in 2 and 3 level access platforms is information that is protected and flagged to not be indexed, followed, or crawled by any search engines or disseminated in any way via Social Media unless the information becomes public knowledge via other media publications, victim rights advocacy organizations or public safety watchdog organizations such as Yelp or Rip-off Report. In the event that a suspect perpetrator is facing charges and a trial for any of their alleged civil or criminal activities their map tack, Level 1 and Level 2 profiles are immediately removed from the online profiling system, AI curator system and all data servers. In the event that the perpetrator is adjudicated guilty of any offences then their profile returns and is made public with the results of their adjudication. If white collar professional or blue-collar criminal is found innocent, then their data remains off the internet. All data remains in the offline relational database in the event of affiliates source civil or criminal research and future public safety offences.
Multifunction Rotating Icon Collusion Tacks
Identity icon tacks used for tagging violations relevant to legal codes and related aberrant behavior are listed and filtered relevant to map category tables. This includes both lone hand perpetrator general single events within a 1 kilometer radius of person and/or multi perimeter heat zone tack placements involving repeated alleged violations by a single perpetrator or two or more white collar professionals acting in concert. Tack labeling functions as follows:
1) Rotating tack symbols identities and categorizes federal act, statutory, occupational ethical, civil and/or criminal violations (i.e., the laws),
2) Geospatial placement of rotating tack icons in a 1 kilometer vicinity of where repeating lone hand professional and/or group of professionals operating in concert: 1) identities and categorizes numerous federal act, statutory, occupational ethical, civil and/or criminal violations of the alleged perpetrators (i.e., the persons).
Tertiary EIR Profiling, Tracking and Violation Code Tagging System Parameters
Education, Investigation and Research (EIR) Platforms
Profile Level 1: Education – Open Access: Educate public on relevant laws and public safety risks
Profile Level 2: Investigation – Password Access: Investigator cloud based evidentiary data gathering platform where actual empirical evidence can be reviewed by advocates in civil matters, law enforcement in criminal matters and verified media outlets to determine public risk newsworthiness,
Profile Level 3: Research – Password Access: Research. Series of processes, quantitate statistics and qualitative analytics to determine white collar crime trends, repeating patterns, collusion networks, gamut logistics, and develop summary reports diagrams, Map, research overlays and AI research queries which form processed days foundations for public safety risk analysis for education and investigative layers.
Abuse, Negligence, Exploitation, Malpractice:
“See It, Lot It, Blog It, Post It, Share It, Map It, . . . STOP IT!
Data Curated by Corruption Maps – Publishing Newsworthy Public Safety Information.
Crowd-sourced and AI (Artificial Intelligence) RSS Publication System; data procured from public resources, direct and circumstantial events, news articles and advocate, victim and expert witness accounts of white-collar misdemeanor Infractions and felonies that often result in irreparable devastation to vulnerable persons.
Citizen’s Public Safety Network – Vulnerable Person – VP Task Force ™: White-collar Crime Profiling and Tracking System via a GEO API Relational Database for Repeating Trend Analtics.
Corruption Maps News Article/White Collar Professional Profile & Support Evidence Submission Directions:
If you would like to submit additional information on any professional who has taken advantage of a vulnerable person then:
1) add your own Map Tack or,
2) open a free cloud account on this website and upload any type of evidence (See advocates section) or,
3) contact an Advocate using any Contact Form on this website or apply for a free tracking account at: Whistlefield.Website